The Choir Ministry
The choir stands in the gap between people and pastor. It has a ministerial function in the leadership of worship but is congregational in its makeup. It follows in the great Levitical tradition, having a role to play which cannot be duplicated by any other
ministry—it is unique.
Pastoral responsibilities of the choir are:
1. To maintain a Christ-like attitude in all things. This is the choir’s first priority. It is the thing which more than anything else determines success in ministry. One must have a right attitude toward God, congregation, pastor, music, and musicians.
2. To be responsible for lifting up the pastor in prayer, word, and deed.
3. To enter into worship wholeheartedly and with enthusiasm.
4. To listen and respond to the worship leader of the moment, to be attentive to everyone and everything. During prayer the choir members should earnestly pray; during worship they should visibly worship.
5. To lead in the congregational singing of hymns, choruses, and spiritual songs. Such leadership should be with faces, eyes, and hands as well as voices.